50 hands-on science experiences that encourage children to observe, sort, compare and play using a wide range of materials. Science in the early years is all about helping children gain knowledge and understanding of their world through first-hand explorations.
These exciting outdoor activities will inspire children in EYFS and KS1 to explore the world around them with an enquiring mind and all of their senses. They encourage purposeful play and are designed to stimulate curiosity, thinking and talking, as well as being a great foundation for early STEM learning. 56 pages, A4.
Emma Hooper, Amazon Review –
“This is an excellent starting point to working with EYFS science outdoors; there are some good ideas. The activities are varied and can be adapted easily to suit your setting and resources, as well as your childrens’ ages and abilities. It is a quick guide to help refresh your memory or to stimulate your thinking.”